Hello again,
I wonder what you've been up to since my last post? Well for me its been all go, spent a morning with my friend Venny, he's another assistance dog who works for a lady called Marie in a nearby village. Venny is a real old hand at this assistance dog thing as hes now 11! He sets me a great example to follow. I like it when Marie and Venny come over as its a great time for play and we usually get a treat or two.
Saw Venny again at our village summer show, Andy and Marie were running a stall there. There were lots of other dogs there and a dog show too. I was voted 'Best Orwell Dog' and got a small silver cup and rosette which I am very proud of.
Next door to us were a lot of collies and what can only be described as a doggy assault course. I think its called dog agility. Well these collies are really brave going through tunnels and over jumps and see-saws. Imagine my suprise when the woman running the course asked Andy if I'd like a go and my shock when he said yes!! I went around the course with the help of Andys daughter Josie and Andy was encouraging me. It was great fun, loved the jumps and tunnels but was a but shakey on the see-saw but I did it!
This week the local newspaper is doing an article about how I help Andy, so I had lts of photographs taken of me doing all my task work around the house. I have done a couple more talks with Andy and helped raise some more money for puppies too.
Check by soon for my next update
the picture is me in the local woods
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